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澳门特别行政区园林绿化植物病虫害调查初报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
莫贱友  李焜华  郭堂勋   《广西植物》2006,26(6):702-705,706
对澳门主要区域园林绿化植物病虫害进行的初步调查,共采集到病害标本85份,昆虫标本315份,鉴定确认危害澳门园林植物的病害有64种,害虫77种;其中还发现属于检疫对象的椰心叶甲为害椰树。并对发生较普遍和严重的病虫害提出了一些防治措施和建议。  相似文献   
椰心叶甲[Brontispa longissima(Gestro)]是椰子的重要害虫,近年来,该虫在海南岛发生普遍,椰子受害严重。由于椰心叶甲受到自然界中某些致病微生物的侵袭,在受害的椰子树心叶上常可发现椰心叶甲僵虫,并发现大部分僵虫表面长出了霉菌,本研究的目的在于从椰心叶甲僵虫表面的霉菌中分离出绿僵菌,并对分离菌株进行鉴定和致病性测定。从僵虫表面刮下孢子或菌丝体,置于绿僵菌选择性培养基(DOA)上培养,挑出真菌菌落,经纯化后,进行生物学特性、菌落生长速率及产孢量的测定,并从PPDA、OMA、VSA和PDA中筛选菌落生长及产孢最适培养基,同时对所分离的菌株进行对椰心叶甲的致病性测定。结果表明,所有分离菌株均鉴定为金龟子绿僵菌[Metarhizium anisopliae(Metschnikoff)],PPDA是菌落生长及产孢的最适培养基,大多数菌株对椰心叶甲有较强的致病力。选取强毒菌株MA4在田间进行防治效果的初步测定,结果表明,该菌株能显著降低椰心叶甲成虫的虫口密度。这些金龟子绿僵菌菌株是首次从海南的椰心叶甲僵虫中分离到的昆虫病原真菌,该菌对海南的椰心叶甲具有很好的生防潜能。  相似文献   
Aegilops longissima Schw. et Musch. (2n= 2x=14, SlSl) and Aegilops sharonensis Eig. (2n=2x=14, SlSl) are diploid species belonging to the section Sitopsis in the tribe Triticeae and potential donors of useful genes for wheat breeding. A comparative genetic map was constructed of the Ae. longissima genome, using RFLP probes with known location in wheat. A high degree of conserved colinearity was observed between the wild diploid and basic wheat genome, represented by the D genome of cultivated wheat. Chromosomes 1Sl, 2Sl, 3Sl, 5Sl and 6Sl are colinear with wheat chromosomes 1D, 2D, 3D, 5D and 6D, respectively. The analysis confirmed that chromosomes 4Sl and 7Sl are translocated relative to wheat. The short arms and major part of the long arms are homoeologous to most of wheat chromosomes 4D and 7D respectively, but the region corresponding to the distal segment of 7D was translocated from 7SlL to the distal region of 4SlL. The map and RFLP markers were then used to analyse the genomes and added chromosomes in a set of ’Chinese Spring’ (CS)/Ae. longissima chromosome additions. The study confirmed the availability of disomic CS/Ae. longissima addition lines for chromosomes 1Sl, 2Sl, 3Sl, 4Sl and 5Sl. An as yet unpublished set of Ae. sharonensis chromosome addition lines were also available for analysis. Due to the gametocidal nature of Ae. sharonensis chromosomes 2Sl and 4Sl, additions 1Sl, 3Sl, 5Sl, 6Sl and 7Sl were produced in a (4D)4Sl background, and 2Sl and 4Sl in a euploid wheat background. The analysis also confirmed that the 4/7 translocation found in Ae. longissima was not present in Ae. sharonensis although the two wild relatives of wheat are considered to be closely related. The phenotypes of the Ae. sharonensis addition lines are described in an Appendix. Received: 28 September 2000 / Accepted: 19 January 2001  相似文献   
Agarocolloids were extracted from field samples of Gracilaria gracilis, Gracilariopsis longissima and the newly reported Gracilaria cf. vermiculophylla harvested at different periods of the year near Roscoff (France). Native and alkali modified extracts were characterized by GLC, HPLC and FT-IR spectroscopy. The main components of agarocolloids isolated by freeze-thawing method, were 3,6-anhydrogalactose and galactose. In addition, minor components (6-O-methyl-galactose, 4-O-methyl-galactose and sulfate groups ranging from 4.4 up to 6.6% [w/w]) were detected. The highest rate of 6-O-methylgalactose was observed in agarocolloids from vermiculophylla (14 mole%). Sulfates were mainly branched on C4 of the D-galactose in gracilis and Gs. longissima agarocolloids. G. vermiculophylla agaroids isolated by EtOH and NaCl precipitations from the syneresis water were characterized by a high sulfation on C6 of galactose and a low sulfation on C2 of 3,6-anhydrogalactose. Native agarocolloid gel strengths from Gracilaria species were clearly higher than those of Gracilariopsis. Alkali treatments reduced the sulfate levels but increased slightly the gel strengths. An approximation of the polymer sizes carried out with colorimetric assays indicated that the polymer sizes were higher in G. gracilis than observed in Gs. longissima. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
本文研究了高大山羊草(Aegilops longissima)的C-带带型,并对“中国春”-高大山羊草双端体异附加系(21"+t"_Bl)、双端体异代换系(20"+t"+t"_Bl)、2个二体异代换系(20"+1"_Bl)和易位系(4A/4Bl)进行了鉴定。本文还对小麦的B染色体组和4A染色体的起源进行了讨论。从带型上的明显差别可以推测高大山羊草不是B染色体组的直接供体。它们可能共同起源于一个原始的染色体组。  相似文献   
垫跗螋Chelisoches morio (Fabricius)是入侵害虫椰心叶甲Brontispa longissima (Gestro)的一种本地天敌.为了了解垫跗螋的生物学习性和控害潜能,本文对垫跗螋的形态特征、生长发育、重要生物学习性以及对椰心叶甲的捕食选择性和捕食量进行了观察研究.垫跗螋雌成虫将产的卵堆积在一起,抱孵在体下,且不时用口器翻动重排卵,受到惊扰时会吃掉卵,甚至初孵的若虫.在室温条件下(20±2)℃,以椰心叶甲2龄幼虫为食料,垫跗螋从卵至成虫的平均发育历期为(107.9±15.2)d;平均每头雌虫产卵量为(138.7±59.5)粒;垫跗螋成虫对椰心叶甲2龄幼虫的日平均捕食量为(6.7±1.1)头.寄主龄期选择性实验表明,垫跗螋成虫和4龄若虫喜欢取食椰心叶甲的2龄幼虫;3龄和2龄若虫喜欢取食椰心叶甲的1龄幼虫.  相似文献   
近30年来,椰心叶甲Brontispa longissima(Gestro)在亚太椰子产区扩散蔓延,成为棕榈植物上主要害虫。2002年,该害虫入侵我国海南并暴发成灾。化学防除是控制椰心叶甲危害的首要措施,其中包括挂药包等农药缓释技术,而生物防治是控制该虫扩散蔓延的经济有效措施。从感病椰心叶甲虫体上分离的微生物杀虫剂绿僵菌Metarhizium anisopliae被我国和其他多个国家应用。椰心叶甲天敌寄生蜂的引进利用是可持续控制该害虫发生的重要措施。幼虫寄生蜂椰甲截脉姬小蜂Asecodes hispinarum和蛹寄生蜂椰心叶甲啮小蜂Tetrastichus brontispae是椰心叶甲的两种重要天敌。2004年,椰甲截脉姬小蜂和椰心叶甲啮小蜂被引入到我国,经扩繁释放后,取得了良好的控害效果,其中有些地区的椰甲截脉姬小蜂寄生率可达90%,椰心叶甲啮小蜂寄生率可达100%。连续放蜂,且椰心叶甲种群有合适虫龄被寄生蜂寄生是控害效果的关键。气候等生态因子也可能是影响寄生蜂控制靶标害虫效果的因素,应进一步加强研究。论文最后提出了未来椰心叶甲防控的研究的方向。  相似文献   
分析昆虫被寄生蜂寄生后血淋巴蛋白质组分及组分含量变化,从蛋白质水平分析寄生蜂寄生引起寄主昆虫的生理变化,有利于探索寄生蜂调控寄主的机理。以椰心叶甲Brontispa longissima和椰扁甲啮小蜂Tetrastichus brontispae为研究材料,采用蛋白质双向电泳技术及图像分析技术分析了椰心叶甲蛹被椰扁甲啮小蜂寄生后不同时期血淋巴蛋白质图谱及其变化情况。结果表明:寄生后0.5, 1, 2, 3和4 d,被寄生蛹血淋巴共检测到的蛋白斑点数分别为982, 926, 712, 636和680个,其中特异性蛋白斑点的数量分别为650, 400, 336, 229和150个;同期未被寄生蛹血淋巴共检测到的到的蛋白斑点数分别为645, 817, 640, 873和940个,其中特异性蛋白斑点的数量分别为313, 291, 264, 466和410个;被寄生蛹和同期未被寄生蛹能匹配的蛋白斑点分别为332, 526, 376, 407和530对。被寄生蛹血淋巴蛋白斑点数量的异常变化表明寄主的生理功能受到了严重的影响。  相似文献   
椰心叶甲的传播、危害及防治方法   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
1994年 ,我国大陆将椰心叶甲Brontispalongissima列为禁止入境的二类植物检疫危险性害虫。1 999年 9月 ,广东省番禺区发现椰心叶甲 ;2 0 0 2年 6月首次在海南省海口市凤翔路发现椰心叶甲。目前 ,椰心叶甲在我国海南省、广东省、台湾省和香港地区危害严重并有扩散漫延的趋势。文章综述了椰心叶甲的寄主、危害症状、在国内外的传播危害情况、防治措施及其存在的问题。  相似文献   
深圳地区椰心叶甲寄主和天敌种类调查   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
吴青  梁广文  曾玲  陆永跃 《昆虫知识》2006,43(4):530-534
调查结果表明,深圳地区椰心叶甲Brontispalongissima(Gestro)的寄主植物有26属36种,危害比较严重的寄主有椰子(CocosnuciferaL.)、大王椰子(RoystonearegiaO.F.Cook)、假槟榔(Archontophoenixalexandrae(F.V.Mueller))、鱼尾葵(CaryotaochlandraHance)、三药槟榔(ArecatriandraRoxburghexBuchanan)、金山葵(Syagrusromanzoffiana(Chamisso)Glassman)、菲岛鱼尾葵(CaryotacumingiiLoddigesexMartius)、刺葵(PhoenixhanceanaNaudin)、国王椰子(RavenearivularisL.)等。野外观察和采集标本鉴定结果表明,深圳地区椰心叶甲捕食性天敌有11种,主要种类为蚂蚁Formicasp.、毛蠼螋Cheatospaniasp.、中华大螳螂ParattenoderasinensisSaussure;致病微生物有3种,主要是绿僵菌Metarhiziumanisopliaevar.anisopliae。  相似文献   
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